Monday, September 18, 2017

Hurricane Irma and Her Lack for Humanity

So for the first time that I can remember, middle Georgia was involved in a Hurricane.  Well most of all of Georgia was, but hitting home for me was middle Georgia.  We lost power for over 30 hours.  Last time we were without power that long was the blizzard back in the 90s.  The one thing that I loved is the coming together of our neighbors.  Looking out for one another.  We had a big generator that we used to get some basic power to keep our fridge from loosing the food and our neighbors, well some of them, were able to plug in to our power so they too could keep things from going bad.  I pray for all of those affected by this disastrous storm.  Lives were lost in the keys, some in Georgia and Virgin Islands.  Helping each other is critical during this time.  Rather it's donating time, money, clothing, food, blood, it's all needed so much.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

So here I go.  A new post about what being a mom means to me.  I have 3 wonderful kids who do get on my nerves, rattle my chains and break my bank but they also being me flowers, kiss my cheek and tell me how much they love me.  As we get closer to Fall which is my favorite season of all, I get to decorate, make fall desserts and burn pumpkin spice candles, one of my favorite scents.  My kids are different and unique in their own right.  

My oldest daughter is a rebel at 22.  She is terrific at art, has sold some pieces of her work and has dreams of wanting to become a tattoo artist.  She is totally independent in her thinking as most artists are.  They look at life through a different set of glasses and she has a "I've got this" set of mind.  I just love her.  

My middle child is totally different from my oldest.  She too is an artist but she loves photography.  She has her own website and is trying to start booking sessions to make her own dough apart from her part-time job at a local fast food restaurant.  She is just phenomenal.  Extremely smart, loving and brave all while being independent also and crabby at times.  She is my rosie gal.  

My youngest child is my handsome, bright, strong and brave son.  He is home schooled and is really getting good at maneuvering the lessons on his own.  He is a bright spot in all of our lives.  He loves to kiss my cheek and he loves to help people.  He does want to join the military when he is 18 but I'm not sure if I am ready for that.  He is 2 belts away from his black belt so he can just stay home and take care of his mom :)  All in all, I have the best kids in my opinion.  Good night.  

Southern Fancy signing off